UNC Cause is an annual conference designed to encourage collaboration among Information Technology organizations in universities that serve students in North Carolina. Theme of this year's conference is "Building On Knowledge"
December 4-6 | Durham, NC
The Registration desk will be open starting at 8am on Tuesday, December 4.
UNC Cause 2012 will take place downtown Durham, NC at the Durham Convention Center from Tuesday, December 4 through Thursday, December 6. This year's conference theme is "Building On Knowledge".
Thanks to Cisco, NWN, and NetApp for sponsoring Tuesday evening’s reception. Be sure to come to hear the jazz band from NC Central University and enjoy great food and drink! The reception is from 5:30-7:30pm.
Thanks for HP, Carolina Advanced Digital, Fusion IO, and Systel for sponsoring Wednesday’s event. The reception begins at 5:15pm and dinner at 6pm. There will be an after dinner performance by local improv group the Village Idiots.
Parking is available at the Parking Garage across from the Durham Convention Center at the corner of West Morgan and Foster. When you check in, you will receive $2 parking vouchers for this parking garage. Cause has made arrangements through the Convention Center for this special rate. You will receive vouchers for each day when you pick up your name tag.
The host hotel for this year's UNC Cause Conference is the Durham Marriott City Center, which is located at 201 Foster Street in Durham, North Carolina.